A Look at Black History in Technology

In honor of black history month, DOMA will be shining the spotlight on six influential black inventors and entrepreneurs past and present who have changed the landscape of technology.

Combating COVID-19 Cybercrime

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Cybersecurity threats are on the rise as remote work continues. Learn more about combating information security threats.

2020 Workplace Trends That are Here to Stay

Which 2020 workplace trends are here to stay? See DOMA’s predictions for what changes will have a lasting impact on the business world and which are bound to disappear.

A Case For the Digital Mailroom

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For many years scanning has reigned as one of the defining steps of digital transformation. Reducing your business’ dependence on paper has a wide range of benefits, such as lowering your carbon footprint, expediting key processes, and making information recall easier. However, there is one key paper-focused process that is only just getting the attention it deserves – business mail.

Overcoming Common Remote Work Challenges

Overcoming Common Remote Work Challenges

Remote work can be a blessing, but it can also be a challenge. Home life is full of distractions that can cut into your productivity. Learn how to overcome them with technology.