3 Ways to Get Ahead with Better Records Management in the New Year

It’s that time of year again where we all make our New Year’s Resolutions, so why not make one for your business? There is nothing more frustrating than having to physically search through a large file room to find just 1 document. Save yourself the frustration in the New Year by implementing a records management strategy.

4 Ways to Protect PII in the Digital World

Schemes to collect and exploit this highly lucrative data are growing more sophisticated every day, but the battle isn’t lost. Protecting PII requires some forethought and the development of safe data handling habits but it’s worth the effort.

The Upload Process: How to Eliminate Slow or Failed Uploads Using DOMA DX

You might be thinking, “Why should I worry about how I upload my documents?” The truth is, it’s not typically something we think about until it becomes a problem. The faster your upload speed to the Cloud, the sooner you can begin taking advantage of universal access and increased security.

What is Information Governance?

Information Governance is, at its simplest, the ongoing management strategy for information at an organization. As basic as that sounds, effective data management incorporates the integration of data analytics, cyber-security, privacy/compliance regulations, and physical/digital records management.

What is Advanced Search in an EDMS and how can it help your workflow?

Most organizations can attest to the truth of the saying “time is money” and the faster important information can be found the less time you waste. An Electronic Document Management System combined with an effective Advanced Search Tool can improve your organization’s efficiency.

How Safe is Your Data? A Comparison of 5 Common Data Backup Methods.

Is my Data Secure?

When weighing your options, it’s essential to consider the pros and cons of each document management strategy. In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of five different data storage methods so that you can make the most informed decision when choosing how to store your documents.

Grow your Sales with an Improved Social Media Strategy

6 Social Media Tips

There is no question that having an effective social media strategy can make a huge difference for your business. Building a connection with customers through social media engagement is quickly becoming a requirement for success in business. Consumer behavior is changing to include online research as a major component in any buying decision.

How to Prevent a Data Loss Disaster

Are you prepared for a data disaster? With hurricane season more than halfway over it may seem the danger is almost passed for east coast residents. However, having a contingency plan is not something that should be overlooked.

DOMA Sponsors Roc Solid Playground Build for a Child with Cancer

September 28, 2019 – At 8am on a blessedly overcast day a team of volunteers from DOMA and Roc Solid arrived in Newport News ready to build a playset for an amazing little girl named Mia. Mia, a bubbly 20-month-old, is battling Hepatoblastoma a rare form of cancer that typically starts in the liver. This playground project, sponsored by DOMA, is part of Roc Solid’s Play It Forward initiative.