Digitization & Software

with Josh Borum

For over 20 years, DOMA has partnered with healthcare, state and local government, and education customers to help them streamline their data and document management. We offer a wide range of solutions, from simple scanning to advanced data extraction and processing, that can help you reduce costs and remain productive.

Josh Borum

About Josh

Allow me to introduce myself, I'm Josh Borum, the Sr. Digital Services Executive at DOMA Technologies. I specialize in helping state and local government, education institutions (often referred to as the SLED space) and healthcare entities with records management solutions. I can walk you through a variety of solutions from records scanning to cloud software and help you determine the return on investment for your organization.

My Favorite Vision Value

Evolve & Adapt – I love variety and tackling new challenges keeps me motivated. 

Culture Committee

I’m on DOMA Gives; our team helps set up charitable initiatives and volunteer opportunities for our team.  

Snack at the Brew Thru

Spicy Takis – the spicer the snacks, the better. 

Digital Solutions

Build a transformative electronic content management strategy using DOMA’s data management solutions.

SLED Solutions

DOMA can help your state or local government deliver superior service to your constituents with modern services and strategies. 

Education Solutions

We serve the needs of both K-12 and higher education institutions with digital document management, SaaS solutions and more. 

Our State & Local Contract Makes Purchasing a Solution Simple
Avoid the tedious bidding and proposal process and take advantage of our straightforward and affordable pricing. DOMA holds a Virginia Cooperative Contract which makes implementing a solution fast and affordable for Virginia public entities such as:
  • Municipal Governments:  County, City or Town
  • Authorities
  • State Agencies
  • Institutions of Higher Education
  • K-12 Schools and Districts

Lets Work Together

Interested in joining the team? We are always looking for driven individuals who are ready to serve others with technology. Learn more about our corporate culture and see our current career listings.