What's Happening with DOMA Culture?
DOMA's Fall Culture Update
November 09, 2021
Now that October has come to an end DOMA is excited to share what our Culture Teams have been up to.
In October, the DOMA Gives Team coordinated a virtual raffle to raise money for breast cancer awareness. A large number of employees participated by buying raffle tickets and twelve winners walked away with prizes. The raffle prizes included Echo Dots, jewelry sets, and everything needed for a family fun day at the Hunt Club! Altogether, DOMA raised $575 that will be donated to the Virginia Breast Cancer Foundation. Thank you, everyone, for your participation, and we look forward to doing this again next year.
The DOMA Ignite Team coordinated a very successful Food Truck Friday by inviting Nawlin’s XScape to both the Seahawk and London Bridge locations to serve employees lunch. Based on the line outside of Seahawk, it was a huge hit! We are thankful to the Ignite Team for taking the initiative and bringing Food Truck Friday back after a long hiatus due to Covid-19.
As our vaccination numbers continue to rise we are beginning to add more in-person events and opportunities to the calendar. This November we will be offering a great on-site volunteer activity to pack boxes for Troopster. Additionally, everyone on the DOMA Culture Committee has been hard at work planning the company Christmas party, so there will be a lot to look forward to. Stay tuned for updates and more details on both the holiday party and future DOMA Culture events!

What's Coming Next for Culture?
We are looking for volunteers for our November Gives event. We will be packing care packages for Troopster. If you’d like to join in or see what else is happening, visit our current events page this fall.
Keep track of what’s happening or get involved with culture on our Culture Currents Event Page:

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